108 Names Of Gods & Goddesses: An Introduction

Chanting names and mantras in Hinduism is considered to be a sacred act of devotion and worship. Chanting the Ashtottara Shatanamavali of Gods and Goddesses is said to bring peace, luck and fortune in one’s life. But have you ever wondered why chanting the names of our dieties is considered to be sacred? Well, continue reading to learn about this and also to unlock the hidden secrets and benefits of chanting 108 names of Hindi Gods and Goddesses.

108 God Name List

Are you also wondering, ‘Which Hindu God has 108 names?’. Mentioned below is the list of Hindu Gods and Goddesses with 108 names. Click on the name to learn more about them and read their names. These are as follows:

Benefits of Chanting 108 Names Of Hindu Dieties

Chanting the 108 names of Hindu Gods and goddesses is considered to be sacred. Along with this, it is also said to bring a lot ot benefits into the life of an individual. Let us have a look at these benefits. These are as follows:

  • Chanting the Ashtottara Namavali is said to bring one closer to God, and it is also considered to be the easiest way to attain devotion.
  • It helps the individual gain the blessings of the almighty.
  • Gods and Goddesses bless the natives with luck and fortune in their lives.
  • People who are facing issues or problems in their lives are said to benefit from chanting the Ashtottara Shatnamavali.
  • Chanting God's names 108 times also helps in bettering and protecting an individual from physical as well as mental illness.
  • In Hinduism, it is believed that a person who chants the Shatanamavali gets rid of all their sins and is closer to attaining Moksha.
  • It is also believed that chanting the Shatnamavali is helpful in increasing one’s focus and concentration.

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Significance Of The Number 108

The 108 Namavali, or 108, is considered quite sacred in Hinduism. From chanting mantras to jap and even names, all are said to be chanted 108 times. The reason number 108 holds its sacred stature is because it is said to represent different things in different aspects of astrology. Let us look at the significance of the number 108 in these aspects.

Significance Of 108 in Vedic Astrology

In Hinduism, the number 108 holds a lot of importance. The reason for this is that this number represents the Universe and its aspects quite well. These are as follows:

  • The two most important features of Vedic Astrology are the planets and the zodiac signs. There are nine planets in Vedic astrology. With these, there are twelve zodiac signs the sum of which is 108.
  • The distance from the Earth to the Sun is considered to be 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
  • The size of the Sun is said to be 108 times the Earth’s diameter.
  • One unique feature of Vedic astrology is Nakshatra. There are 27 constellations that are said to correlate with the four directions (North, South, East, and West). Thus, 27 multiplied by 04 is 108.
  • Vedic astrology is based on the lunar calendar, a prominent calendar in Hinduism. The Moon is considered the central force, and its atomic weight is 108.
  • Hinduism has a vast history of scriptures. One of these is the Upanishads. Many astrologers consider that there are a total of 108 Upanishads.
  • Apart from the 108 Namavali, the Sri Yantra is considered one of the most powerful Yantras in vedic astrology. This yantra is said to have 54 energy centres where three lines intersect. Moreover, each is said to have 02 parts, one male and one female, making 54 multiplied by 2 to become 108.
  • In Hinduism, it is also believed that the number 108 represents the distance between our body and the God within us.
  • In the Hindu Charkra practice, it is believed that the Heart Chakra has 108 energy lines.
  • In the Sanskrit language, there are 54 letters. Each letter is said to have two forms: one masculine and one feminine. This makes the sum 54 multiplied by 2 to 108.
  • In Hinduism, the number 108 is considered a Harshad Number. This is because it is an integer divisible by the sum of its digits. Hashad in Sanskrit relates to two words: ‘Harsa’ meaning Joy, and ‘Da’ meaning ‘Give’. Thus, the literal translation of this is the Joy Giver.

Significance Of 108 in Numerology

In numerology, the number 108 is also considered to be an Angel number. Let us look at the message this number signifies in numerology.

  • The number 108 signifies that individuals should keep working hard for their goals, as they will surely be rewarded.
  • This also means one must lean towards the spiritual path and trust one's journey.
  • The number 108 in numerology brings the message from the universe that an individual should trust their intuition and have faith and confidence in themselves. In a simpler sense, this number reflects the need to believe in oneself.
  • The number 108 in numerology carries a message from the God name list. It tells the individual to let go of things that are not under their control, allow the universe to work in their favour, and accept the coming changes as they will be positive for them.
  • Apart from this, in numerology, the number 108 defines the chances of new beginnings and opportunities in the life of an individual in terms of love.

Significance Of 108 in Ayurveda & Meditation

Just like Vedic astrology, the art of meditation and Ayurveda are also known to honour the sacred number 108. Let us look at how.

  • In Ayurveda, it is believed that just like the Ashtottara Namavali, a person has 108 marma points in their body. Marma points are the points that are said to be the points of life forces.
  • There are said to be 108 different styles of meditation.
  • It's said that if someone practices Prayanama, an exercise that regulates breathing, they can only breathe 108 times a day.
  • Meditation theory believes that an average person breathes almost 21600 times a day. These are divided into two: 10800 breaths for the solar phase (Day) and the remaining 10800 breaths for the lunar phase (Night), making the breath time of each phrase to be 108 multiplied by 100.
  • Surya Salutation is a yoga pose that includes 12 steps. These 12 form a series of 9 rounds to honour the Sun God, Surya. When multiplied together, these provide the sun with 108.

Significance Of 108 in Buddhism

Buddhism teaches its people the virtue of living peacefully and not hurting anyone. In Buddhism, the importance of number 108 names its significance. The examples of these are as follows:

  • In Buddhism, there are considered to be 108 earthly worldly desires.
  • Along with this, Buddhist teachings also preach the existence of 108 lies.
  • The holy writings of Buddhism are said to be divided into 108 books.
  • The Buddhist mala used for chanting or praying consists of 108 beads.
  • Along with this, there are 108 Buddhist vices, which also include abuse and greed.
  • Lastly, there is also talk about the 108 delusions of the mind in Buddhist teachings.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Goddesses with 108 names include Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Sita and many more.
The Gods and Goddesses that have 108 names include Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Goddess Durga, and many more.
Not all, but most of the Gods and Goddesses are said to have 108 names. It is believed that chanting these names blesses the individual with the blessings of the deity.
Lord Vishnu is said to have more than a thousand names. If we consider the total, then there are 1008 names of Lord Vishnu.
The number 108 is considered to be a sacred number. It is said to represent the universe and all its aspects. The number holds spiritual, astrological, mathematical, numerological, and meditational value.
The number 108 in love represents the coming of new chances and new beginnings in one’s life. This number signifies the coming of something positive and fruitful.
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